Good morrow gentle lords,
As you know, my life has been going really totally exceptionally well. Nothing too big or scary or ridiculous shaking up my serene, dreamlike days. Moving across the country to a city where I knew almost no one to pursue an incredibly rare career in a stupidly competitive industry while sustaining a creative freelance business and getting harassed by a stalker has suited me perfectly! My skin is clear (raging). My diet is balanced (entirely instant ramen). My spirits are high (lower than hell’s cellar). So I truly have no need for the help of some special spiritual numbers, yet here we are at 3:33am PST (apologies East Coasters) reading edition 33 on 11/11/22. The number goddesses are smiling upon us! Finally! I mean, no offense but where have they been! I’m doing so so great good dandy on my own, but like did the invite get lost in the mail? Just seems a little late! But alas, we are here now, on this numbery day of goodness. Let us give thanks.
According to several spiritual women’s blogs (Side note: Do men not experience special numbers, or are the angels sick of them or something? Because when you Google angel numbers the internet is like AH YES, A WOMEN’S ISSUE, which I guess makes sense. How can you even begin to deal with enlightened numerology when we don’t even let you feel things other than Big Mad? When I asked Adam if he’d heard of angel numbers, he said, “Anal numbers?!” and seemed afraid. I digress. Hope the men are….okay?), angel numbers are repetitive sequences that evoke a sense of wonder. They contain spiritual meaning and symbolism within numerology. If you know anyone with a math degree, this is what they studied. You should ask them about it. They’ll love it.
11, 22, and 33 are known as the master numbers of the Triangle of Enlightenment, which sounds like a big deal but I’m too busy Googling which celebs have my same “life path number” (7) to research more into triangles (hey, Emma Stone and Taylor Swift!). 11 brings new beginnings and manifested dreams. 22 represents transition and a second chance to make dreams a reality. And 33 is all about creativity, alignment, and love. So just to recap, the numbers are confirming that I did, in fact, just transition my life from DC to LA for a new beginning to make my (creative!) comedy screenwriting dreams a reality. All with the aligned support of my love, who again doesn’t understand what angel numbers are, yet is perfectly aligning with them. (I checked and our life path numbers, 7 and 5, are compatible so BOOYA! Glad I don’t have to break up with him over that.) Call it cherry-picking or confirmation bias, but I’m considering this a win. Maybe my first two months of dream chasing were complete hellish hogwash, but the numbers don’t lie, baby. We’re back in business! Rejoice with me on this 11 22 33 triangle day!
What are your angel numbers? Are you swimming in wonder today? Let me know in the commentssssss, bestie!!!!!!!!! Please for the love of angel numbers I need the engagement, bessssssstie!!!!! No presssssssure, but like would it kill you to commentttt, bestieeeee?
Speaking of angels, my BFF Lauren, who actually isn’t an angel but is a human woman, was a guest on the Confident As F*ck Podcast this week where she talked about mental health, pivoting, creative expression, and more. It’s powerful and raw and gritty, so if you’re looking for that vibe today, check it out below!
If you have something cool and creative you’d like to share in the newsletter, please respond to this email and let me know! You support my creative work every week by reading, and I’d be tickled to return the favor.
Thanks for reading and liking and commenting and sharing! Don’t forget to make an endless series of wishes throughout the day since it is 11/11 and what? You have something better to do like be grateful for what you already have? Get real.
Fare thee well, I shall see you anon,
I see your woo-woo and raise you one!
If you want a good reading, Tracey is very talented.